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We are very excited to offer after-school programming through our partnership with Discovery Link for FREE to all Valverde students and families! These enrichment offerings will include arts, music, dance, physical activities, sports, games, language development and more! More information on specific programming options coming soon!
We are an inclusive, welcoming school with a nurturing approach. Your child will feel a special bond with teachers, staff and other students. We stress the character traits of TRACKS: tenacity, responsibility, academic achievement, curiosity, kindness and respect. We truly believe we are a family here at Valverde and our students learn with smiles on their faces!
We believe strongly in creating a school environment that honors and cherishes all languages, ethnicities, beliefs, backgrounds, religions, and families. Our students and staff are from all over the world and speak a variety of languages! We teach our students that diversity and uniqueness is what makes our world a beautiful place. We offer many events, learning opportunities, and projects to encourage students’ multicultural understanding and openness to all people and cultures.
Valverde’s Black Excellence Plan
We seek to create and maintain an inclusive, empowering, and collaborative environment that is built on Anti-Biased, Anti-Racist tenets that are at the forefront of a nationwide movement. Working in partnership with all members of our Valverde community, we honor and value a diversity of voices, centered on intersectional movements in order to dismantle historic and systemic systems of oppression that have impacted our students for generations. We recognize that this inclusive environment will only be created if we lift up the experience of our Black students and families, ensuring that they have equitable opportunities and that they are showcased for their unique strengths and talents.
As we have reflected on our current Black Excellence Plan and the work we have done to ensure that our Black families and students are welcomed, we have recognized that we need to continue investing in strategies to include our families on a more ongoing and consistent basis in the daily life of the school. We need to develop recruitment plans for ensuring our Black families are represented on our Parent Teacher Leadership Team, and encourage attendance and involvement beyond participation in only our larger events each year. We also seek to increase attendance for any family below 90% by creating a specific and individualized family plan, supporting families with overcoming any barriers that are preventing them from bringing their child to school on a consistent basis.
Valverde’s beautiful, historic building has been a cornerstone of the surrounding neighborhood for nearly 100 years. It symbolizes the close ties we maintain with parents, families and the community at large. Step onto our campus, walk the halls and you will feel it – we are all in this together!
¡Estamos muy emocionados de ofrecer programación extracurricular a través de nuestra asociación con Discovery Link GRATIS a todos los estudiantes y familias de Valverde! ¡Estas ofertas de enriquecimiento incluirán artes, música, danza, actividades físicas, deportes, juegos, desarrollo del lenguaje y más! ¡Más información sobre opciones de programación específicas próximamente!
El hermoso edificio histórico de Valverde ha sido un centro importante del vecindario durante casi 100 años. Simboliza los vínculos que mantenemos con los padres, las familias y la comunidad en general. Ingrese a nuestro campus, camine por los pasillos y lo sentirá: ¡estamos todos juntos en esto!